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UX design and Wwise implementation

By April 23, 2017Uncategorized

This week I wanted to get going with building a very simple app for children. The goals of this task being to show Xcode sound implementation and also designing the app using UX principles. I also used this opportunity to further research colour theory.  I first researched the target demographic, being young children, 2+ and then created Wireframes and then the prototype design in a program called Sketch, which I will detail,  further in a separate post.

I then started looking at learning a “middleware” called Wwise. Wwise is used to implement audio into game engines such as unreal and Unity. I found a sample platformer game in the Unreal store and then managed to connect Wwise to the game engine so it is ready to implement custom audio that I will create into the game. So far, Wwise learning content is actually quite confusing. We didn’t cover Wwise on the course, any material I have come across is either quite old or a very rushed meaning it’s very hard to follow and not explained well at all.  For example, the tutorial I found on audio implementation was outdated as Wwise now has a built in implementation system where the software finds Unreal engine projects on your computer, you then select which project you want to work with and Wwise takes care of the rest. Whereas before you had to manually move folders around in order to achieve this. Since I am running into the issue of learning content, I am considering making a Youtube series on Wwise once I am proficient in the software.

This week I will be looking further into Wwise, I will also be finalising the UX for the children’s app and I will start my next sound design project, details on that to follow.

These will be my main focus points for this week, I will also be reading the book UX Strategy by Jamie Levy.

I am also going to develop more of a style and structure to this blog going forward.

  • Jonathan


Sound Designer For Video Games Based In London England. Writing About Game Audio, Productivity and Rambling On About All Things Nerdy.