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The Quest For Knowledge Makes You Wwise

Last week I got through the majority of the Wwise 101 tutorial. Wwise is a very interesting piece of software. It’s organisation structure can be a little over whelming at times, with it’s different containers and functions. Going through half the tutorial I’ve noticed it’s becoming more and more straight forward. That being said, the way Wwise let’s you combine different functions and containers I can tell that it’s capable of quite complex things.  One clever function of the software, Wwise references the same audio file under different names in your project. This means it saves in game engine memory, which is vital for the smooth running of the game.

I am still reading UX Strategy, evidently it’s taking me longer to finish than I thought. which leads me on to my next thing, planning to do to much in one day. I feel like I expect to get too much done, I need to better manage this.

So far in my final major project, I’ve design a children’s app, designed a wireframe for it, then designed the full UI, including using a colour wheel to select suitable colours based around blue (calming effect) and yellow (most noticeable colour) so it’s not overwhelming for the target audience, I’ve also coded the app and it’s currently on my phone.

I’ve also finished the first draft of a trailer for Crash Bandicoot and I’m working on a second trailer for a game called Paragon.

Going forward, I am still going to try and read one book a week, I just need to organise more time for my research / reading. I’m also going to choose to focus on less tasks daily and weekly, maybe 3 tasks a day and 4 over all tasks for the week, in order to effectively work on and develop them, ensuring I’m constantly making progress and driving my work forward.

Tasks For The Week

Finish Paragon Trailer

Complete Wwise 101

Lynda UX learning Path

Finish Reading UX Strategy

Skate Better

Follow @fenderbee

Sound Designer For Video Games Based In London England. Writing About Game Audio, Productivity and Rambling On About All Things Nerdy.