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So, I accidentally missed posting an update last week! – I’ve been organising moving house so things got even more hectic than usual!


That being said, since my past post I have been learning how to use another middleware called Fmod. Fmod is very similar to Wwise in a lot of ways, but the layout of the program is very different as are some of the ways it accomplishes its functionality. I essentially spent the time since my last update adding sounds to a already built level / environment I found on the viking store in the unity games engine. This was in order learn how to use an actual game engine and implement audio into it. I wanted a further challenge of changing the middleware to another industry standard program, which is why I choose Fmod.

As well as this, I have also done implementation on the unity game, survival shooter, which I had to edit code in order for it to work. Surprisingly I navigated this quite well. Coding is not my strong suite at all… but I managed to solve issues fairly quickly and wrap my head around what needed to be done.

This week I will be finalizing Cube and the Unity project in order to edit together a 1 min reel I can use to apply for jobs. As well as moving house tomorrow… lots going on this week, but I am still getting it done!


Ps. The sound design for in Spider-man is absolutely amazing, as is the sound design in Baby Driver, which blew me away… The way sound is used in Baby Driver is truly inspiring. – I may write a break down on these later this week, depending on time!

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Sound Designer For Video Games Based In London England. Writing About Game Audio, Productivity and Rambling On About All Things Nerdy.