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Progress on the site

By April 26, 2017Gaming

A little bit of UX thrown into life

Ok, Straight up, this post is mostly to check how a blog posts looks in this new format I’m creating. Honestly this website was more stressful than I thought it would be! BUT! we got there and now I kind of know my way around! so with that in mind it can only get better from here! Tomorrow I’m going to add a few things from my portfolio amongst some other content.

I’m currently reading a book on UX strategy which is actually proving to be really interesting so far. I just love from an outsider perspective, how important you forget UX is. I hadn’t even thought about it (which I suppose is the point) until I started learning about it. The best example of this is I was on the bus the other day, listening to a podcast on colour theory and it dawned on me that the inside of the bus was blue, because it’s a calming colour and, the poles where all yellow to make them stand out, to highlight that they are there for grabbing. Then I started smiling like an idiot on my own, looking around the bus like a mad man.

More to come!

– Jonathan


Johnny Likes pinacoladas and dancing in the rain

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Sound Designer For Video Games Based In London England. Writing About Game Audio, Productivity and Rambling On About All Things Nerdy.