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Iron Man 2

By January 15, 2018January 22nd, 2018MCU Review, Road To Infinity War

I already told you, I don’t wanna join your super secret boy band…


So, just as a change of pace and for a little fun, as well as my usual sound related content, every week I’ll be watching and reviewing a film from the MCU in the lead up to Infinity War. Ironman 2, sure some elements repeat the first Iron Man, but in my opinion, it’s a logical move. Of course, the dark version of Tony Stark would make a badass suit. He succeeds where Obadiah Stane fails, recreating the arc reactor…in Russia, from a box of scraps. He’s a villain with real motive and I really enjoy that.

The sound design as ever is awesome. I never get sick of hearing Tony’s repulsor blasts. War Machines guns sound so, so powerful and it’s such a satisfying thing to watch because of the SFX. If you close your eyes, you can tell whether or not Tony or War Machine is on screen. Just down to the design of the design of the weaponry and that’s so important.

The world gets a lot bigger too, Black Widow is introduced, we get more Phil Coulson ANOTHER Captain America easter egg. That’s one per film, constantly teasing the fans of his arrival. Speaking of easter eggs there are two things in this film that I did not notice until I watched it again. Tony is reading when he’s learning about this element his father discovered and there’s a sketch of the tesseract. Now, this next thing blew my mind, Tony didn’t create vibranium, like I thought he recreated the material that the tesseract is made of. The material that houses both the Space and Mind Infinity stones. This also explains why Loki’s staff doesn’t work on Tony! (mind blown, that part always confused me). Another fun fact, Tony called this element ‘badassium’.

I guess the other thing I have to mention is that it’s now technically the first appearance of Peter Parker. He’s officially been recognised as the Kid in the Iron Man mask. Yes, this was a fan theory, but, Marvel retconned it to be official, which is awesome.

Final Thoughts…

I suppose Iron Man 2 has some issues, but I really think the way it builds the world further and it includes the first appearance of Black Widow and War Machine in all their glory, for me that redeems the film, not mention the Thor easter egg end credits. Iron Man 2 is still a fun ride. No wonder I saw it 3 times in 4 days when it first came out.

MCU Ranking

  1. Iron Man
  2. Iron Man 2
  3. Incredible Hulk



Sound Designer For Video Games Based In London England. Writing About Game Audio, Productivity and Rambling On About All Things Nerdy.