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By Food for thought, Gaming

I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was


With this blog, as well as writing about games, sound design and game audio,  I want to also write about being a better you, productivity and whatever else that may come up. Before we go further, my path to functioning at my optimum, might not be your path and I’m absolutely not saying this is THE only way to be the best, most productive person ever or even the best version of you. I am only speaking from personal experience on what I’ve found works for me and it might also work for you. First off, I feel the key to achieving goals is keep your productivity up and focused, without it, you don’t do the work to gain the skills you need to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve. You know, In most cases anyway, unless your goal is to bungee jump. You don’t really need many skills to bungee jump…a push maybe, but that’s somewhat straightforward in the grand scheme of things.


This trail of thought essentially all came out from reading an article by Sound Designer, Akash Thakkar, who talks about productivity and one of the exercises he recommended was writing down your idea of a perfect day, your ideal day. It gives you a goal to work towards, achieving a life where you’re perfect day exists, or at least that’s what I took from it. I’ve also taken the ideals of ‘anchoring your day’ that The Rock talks about and essentially combined it with the ideas from Akash’s post. My perfect day includes 3 anchors. Why three? I honestly stumbled across them and came to realise that they were not only very achievable on a daily basis if I made an effort, they made me a better person and I functioned better. These three tasks serve as my daily anchors, Mind and Body set up the day, Soul winds it down. Achieving these 3 things, means I have bettered myself, grown as a person and achieved something in the day, even if it’s just a little bit. If I do nothing else, I’ve still progressed with these three things.


I’ve always had an interest in these activities separately, I found when I made them apart of my normal day. When I do complete my daily anchors, I feel a real change in my mood, the way I work, pretty much everything you can think of feels better. I will go into depth and explore these in a later blog. Let’s take a look at what each of my anchors is.

Mind: Meditation  

Body: Hit the gym

Soul: Play Music


These are the things that I’ve found work for me and in some way, I believe that others may find it beneficial to explore what their Mind, Body and Soul anchors could be. In forthcoming posts I’ll break down each of my anchors and why I find them beneficial.


Until Then…

My New Portfolio

By Gaming

What’s going on?

So, I’m currently working on some new portfolio pieces. My last portfolio I’ve realized is like “complete products” as in they showcase everything together, Music, VO, Sound design, so nothing stands out so to speak.

Starting with sound design, I’m creating new projects to show case each aspect individually. I’m hoping this will help make me stand out even further.


That’s kind of what I’m up to…I’m also desperately craving Destiny 2…but more on that later.


Follow Me On Twitter @Fenderbee

Where do we go from here?

By Gaming

In the words of the mighty Stan Lee, “fear not true believers!”, I may have finished my masters today, but it is far from the end!

I am absolutely keeping this website going as I think I’ve created a cool looking platform for myself. For the eagle eyed, you would have noticed I updated my home page today. Still very much a work in progress I might add, I may change the background images for my different reels.

SPEAKING OF REELS! ( no, I don’t know why that’s in capital letters either)

I’m in the process of editing together different reels for sound design, composition and interactive work. Just to make it easier for people to check out what I can do.

They will be coming very soon…as well as I new format for these blogs. I gotta make them look a bit better I feel.

In the mean time, I’m going to take a few days off and FINALLY play Horizon: Zero Dawn, I’ve been waiting since launch to get my hands on that. I can’t wait!

Until next time!

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Fmod mania

By Gaming

So, I accidentally missed posting an update last week! – I’ve been organising moving house so things got even more hectic than usual!


That being said, since my past post I have been learning how to use another middleware called Fmod. Fmod is very similar to Wwise in a lot of ways, but the layout of the program is very different as are some of the ways it accomplishes its functionality. I essentially spent the time since my last update adding sounds to a already built level / environment I found on the viking store in the unity games engine. This was in order learn how to use an actual game engine and implement audio into it. I wanted a further challenge of changing the middleware to another industry standard program, which is why I choose Fmod.

As well as this, I have also done implementation on the unity game, survival shooter, which I had to edit code in order for it to work. Surprisingly I navigated this quite well. Coding is not my strong suite at all… but I managed to solve issues fairly quickly and wrap my head around what needed to be done.

This week I will be finalizing Cube and the Unity project in order to edit together a 1 min reel I can use to apply for jobs. As well as moving house tomorrow… lots going on this week, but I am still getting it done!


Ps. The sound design for in Spider-man is absolutely amazing, as is the sound design in Baby Driver, which blew me away… The way sound is used in Baby Driver is truly inspiring. – I may write a break down on these later this week, depending on time!

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

E3 is coming…

By Gaming

I’ve essentially spent last week going over my work and also creating assets for my WWise + Cube project which I will be implementing tomorrow (June 8th). I’ve also spent time researching UX practices and working on my app. The plan is to get some feedback from the target audience and then submit it to the Apple store.

I’ve also done another portfolio piece, showcasing ADR and my terrible voice acting skills. So far, I think it’s the best thing I’ve done.

I’m also VERY excited as over the weekend the E3 is starting! E3 is where the big games companies get together and showcase their upcoming releases and announce new things, I always stay up until at least 4 am every year watching everything go down!


Not much to update on aside from that, Next week will be a far bigger update.


Skate Better.

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Climbing Wwise mountain

By Gaming

This week I started looking into methodologies to use for managing my project. I feel as though up until now, even with the amount I have produced thus far, I need to be a lot more organised. I made it a priority to look into ways to manage my project effectively. I eventually landed on using a combination of RAD and Kanban.

In regards to my Wwise + cube project, I had the idea of using Wwise’s secondary master audio output, used for routeing audio to things like game controllers with built-in speakers, such as the PS4 controller,  however, I discovered that this is not actually possible for me to do. I found this out by emailed AudioKinetic, who make Wwise and I got a response from one of their top guys. Essentially the PS4 PC driver wouldn’t know to activate the speaker, so it’s a software issue out of AudioKinetics control, this also means it’s seemingly unfixable by me.

I have completed the first draft of another trailer and also started on the implementation of audio into Cube.

I’ve also been researching EQ in order to better understand audio production.

This week I hope to finish an early draft of Cube with my own sounds.

Skate Better

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Learning Wwise

By Gaming

The Quest For Knowledge Makes You Wwise

Last week I got through the majority of the Wwise 101 tutorial. Wwise is a very interesting piece of software. It’s organisation structure can be a little over whelming at times, with it’s different containers and functions. Going through half the tutorial I’ve noticed it’s becoming more and more straight forward. That being said, the way Wwise let’s you combine different functions and containers I can tell that it’s capable of quite complex things.  One clever function of the software, Wwise references the same audio file under different names in your project. This means it saves in game engine memory, which is vital for the smooth running of the game.

I am still reading UX Strategy, evidently it’s taking me longer to finish than I thought. which leads me on to my next thing, planning to do to much in one day. I feel like I expect to get too much done, I need to better manage this.

So far in my final major project, I’ve design a children’s app, designed a wireframe for it, then designed the full UI, including using a colour wheel to select suitable colours based around blue (calming effect) and yellow (most noticeable colour) so it’s not overwhelming for the target audience, I’ve also coded the app and it’s currently on my phone.

I’ve also finished the first draft of a trailer for Crash Bandicoot and I’m working on a second trailer for a game called Paragon.

Going forward, I am still going to try and read one book a week, I just need to organise more time for my research / reading. I’m also going to choose to focus on less tasks daily and weekly, maybe 3 tasks a day and 4 over all tasks for the week, in order to effectively work on and develop them, ensuring I’m constantly making progress and driving my work forward.

Tasks For The Week

Finish Paragon Trailer

Complete Wwise 101

Lynda UX learning Path

Finish Reading UX Strategy

Skate Better

Follow @fenderbee

Needs More Ram

By Business, Gaming

Some technical Difficulties

So last week I have been reading UX Strategy, I am learning a lot from this book. It’s focusing on different aspect of UX that I haven’t explored yet which is very interesting. The good thing about this book is it’s also referencing other UX books, which is where I am going to go next with my reading. I have also been going through the UX designer learning path on

The website is now looking a lot better, I’m still improving it. I am going to apply UX techniques to ensure it’s fulfilling it’s intended purpose.

I’ve also been looking further into unreal engine, I think I’ve now learned how to attach sound to an animation, down to the animations frame. I actually ran into a problem with my laptop that prevented me from learning Wwise + Unreal. Basically my macbook was getting really hot, and it was really slow. I have now got a PC set up in university with these programs on, so going forward I should have no problems.

This week I’m my tasks are as follows:

  • Finish UX strategy, start reading Lean UX.
  • Go through Wwise 101
  • Finish UX designer learning path
  • Sound design for game trailer

– Jonathan

Johnny Just Watched Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 and, It’s Fantastic.

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee

Progress on the site

By Gaming

A little bit of UX thrown into life

Ok, Straight up, this post is mostly to check how a blog posts looks in this new format I’m creating. Honestly this website was more stressful than I thought it would be! BUT! we got there and now I kind of know my way around! so with that in mind it can only get better from here! Tomorrow I’m going to add a few things from my portfolio amongst some other content.

I’m currently reading a book on UX strategy which is actually proving to be really interesting so far. I just love from an outsider perspective, how important you forget UX is. I hadn’t even thought about it (which I suppose is the point) until I started learning about it. The best example of this is I was on the bus the other day, listening to a podcast on colour theory and it dawned on me that the inside of the bus was blue, because it’s a calming colour and, the poles where all yellow to make them stand out, to highlight that they are there for grabbing. Then I started smiling like an idiot on my own, looking around the bus like a mad man.

More to come!

– Jonathan


Johnny Likes pinacoladas and dancing in the rain

Follow him on twitter @fenderbee